is a trading company focused on active pharmaceutical ingredients.

We are Hanseatic merchants by conviction.
We firmly believe that trading should happen the right way. Especially when it comes to an important commodity such as pharmaceutical raw materials. That is why we emphasize consistency, safety and cost-effectiveness in our actions.

Reliable and honest risk assessment
Our longtime market and industry experience allows us to assess risks correctly. This enables us to maximize support for our customers in both day-to-day business and development of new structures.

At the centre of trade since 1980
We connect manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies - with the highest possible standards of professionalism. For us, this means clear communication, in-depth market knowledge and regulatory expertise coupled with the utmost precision in implementation.

Specialists for a wide range of requirements
Trade is a people business. Our team consists of different talents and characters and therefore always finds creative new solutions to give you exactly what you need.
Faces of Andenex
show allCertificates
We follow Good Distribution Practices and are registered accordingly at the EudraGMDP database.
Working at Andenex
We are always looking for dedicated people who want to bring their talents and ideas to the Andenex team. Please drop us an email and let's find out where your place at Andenex could be. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Get in touch
Engelhard + Partner GmbH
Albert-Einstein Ring 11
22761 Hamburg
+49 40 89 96 79 01